“SUMMIT” на українській мові


інші переклади

top pinnacle summit vertex apex altitude
zenith heyday meridian noon vertex summit



(mountain) top peak crest crown apex tip cap hilltop




A quadrangular mass of gilt-canopied buildings packed the little summit so tightly that it seemed a marvel to Red Lin Feyn that none had ever toppled off.

Despite the detour, he was relieved to discover that his path would indeed lead him over the summit.

With exhaustion, with her wounds, with the knowledge that behind that line she’d drawn in the dirt, through the archway at her back, Gwyn and Emerie were still breathing, still climbing that final piece of the Breaking to the summit.

The group of males would catch them before the summit.

”Mountain Knot City was just over the summit of this mountain.

The stairs were slippery in the rain, doubled back awkwardly on themselves, and had no railing, all minor details of Mogawn’s formidable defensive architecture, but the captain had ridden his dracon to their summit nonetheless, and stood dismounted holding its bridle.

”A flutter of light from the summit washed over Bellius’s features.

While Deadman was busy repairing Lou, Sam was to summit the mountains and head west from the direction of Mountain Knot City, to deliver some chiral allergy medication to the Geologist’s shelter.

Where you are when it ends sorts you into one of the three echelons of warrior, named after our holy stars: Arktosian, the ones who don’t make it to the mountain but survive; Oristian, the ones who make it to the mountain but don’t reach the top; and Carynthian, the ones who scale the summit and are considered elite warriors.

Qurion reigned his dracon in at the summit of the ridge.

Once he reached the summit it was all downhill.