“SWIRLED” на українській мові


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whirl eddy billow spiral circulate revolve spin twist flow stream surge seethe


’Diamond Eye arced away from the Godspike and swirled in a shallow spiral dive for the eyrie.

Slowly, her eyes trailed up his body, lingering on his carved pectorals and the Illyrian tattoo that swirled over one of them before flowing down his left arm.

She swirled her wet tongue around his bud and sucked gently, her lips pressed firmly against the hard muscle of his chest.

The flurries swirled and groaned and blocked out his vision.

A tiny cloud of black dust swirled around his neck.

A mile below swirled an utter darkness, fractured by violet flashes deep within.

” Midnight storms swirled in Rhys’s eyes.

The man carried a naked knife, a strange-looking thing with a golden handle and a blade more like a cleaver in which patterns swirled like smoke in moonlight.

”The mist swirled and Lanthys drawled, “Such exquisite music it makes.

In his other hand, he clutched a fist-sized glass orb that swirled with clouds trapped inside.

Joy dipped her chin, swirled her ankles in the water.