“TAILCOAT” на українській мові




tail coat tails full dress dress suit white tie tailcoat tails full dress dress suit white tie


Hence he'd done what was expected from him as the grade, fraternity and school head boy - Akinori had dressed up in his black tailcoat with white lace shirt, shoes and tie, combed his ebony hair neatly.

A penniless Fred, still in striped pants, tailcoat , and spats, hops a freight for New York, with Pop in tow.

It consisted of a green tailcoat with golden buttons and decorations, a white shirt and black trousers.

His silk cravat suddenly felt as though it may choke him at any moment and his navy blue tailcoat seemed overbearing.

At the top of the stairs was another speaker with a pointy nose and impassive face, wearing a tailcoat and slacks.