“TAMBOURIN” на українській мові



The galoubet and tambourin are instruments that symbolise the musical spirit of Provence.

In April, the festival of the Provence tambourin , organised by the association is an opportunity to witness a great regional gathering of ‘tambourinaires’- the tambourin players.

An oddity of the text is that two players are called on to play instruments that have always been played by one (the pipe has three holes so that it can be played with one hand only), even when the tambourin is used rather than the smaller tabor.

The tambourin has a wide dynamic range, and the galoubet is relatively gentle in its lower register, and shrill in its high, overblown octave.

The Tambourin is an example of the lively Provençal dance-type whose mood of lusty, percussive celebration served the composer well in a number of operas.