“TAVERN” на українській мові


інші переклади

wine store tavern wine cellar
невеликий готель
tavern pumpkin gourd cabaret
pub brasserie porterhouse tavern alehouse
tavern bush



bar pub cocktail lounge lounge taproom nightclub roadhouse club inn rathskeller gin mill nineteenth hole dive watering hole saloon alehouse speakeasy public house


“Early in the morning before I was to sneak into Worgon’s palace, Fein was killed at a gaming table in a seedy Yarrow tavern.

It offered many of the advantages of an inn, and he saw some of them on the corners of the streets they passed, but he kept walking, unsure what else he was looking for, but not convinced the thieves’ guild would be upstairs of some tavern.

Other moments belonged beside it, crowding around and clamouring to be remembered, but the vision of Fasha in the tavern by the woods was the worst of all.

Chapter Seventeen“It was Baron Fedgley, not Worgon,” said Anne, shaking her head, leaning close so that no one else in the tavern could hear what she said, “and his children never suspected?

Perhaps something to do with the fact that Nesta had signed last night’s outrageous tab at the tavern to her sister’s bank account.

“I have no interest in bedding a male who looks like he’s been in a tavern brawl,” she said onto his lips.

If none of the three are felled from assassination, it’s going to devolve into a drunken tavern brawl that draws in every spellcaster and army in the realm.

She didn’t know what she’d do at the bottom: find a tavern or a pleasure hall and drink herself stupid, she supposed.

Ten thousand steps between her and the city—and then a half-mile walk at least from the bottom of the mountain to the nearest tavern.

’ He said this as though they were back in a tavern in Deephaven and Tuuran had asked him whether he wanted his ale pale or dark.

He’d heard in the tavern that the male was to be taken soon to another site.