“TONGUES” на українській мові


інші переклади

reproach dishonor disgrace shame defame tongue
talk speak converse discourse tongue confabulate
speak talk say tell tongue
манера говорити
tongue clapper information prisoner
language tongue speech words oration dialect



language dialect patois vernacular mother tongue native tongue heritage language lingua franca lingo


Long pink tongues hung like wet flags from their jaws.

The streets are filled the clank of steel instead of the babble of strange tongues.

Her hands roved over his muscled chest, desperate for any skin, anything to touch as their tongues met and parted, as he licked the roof of her mouth, as he slid his tongue over her teeth.

It’s not what you think, before any of your silly tongues get away from you.

To the south the eternal white of the Sotherwinter ice cap blazed, the long tongues of glaciers nosing down from it toward the sea.

The modalmen hooted and trilled their tongues while the elders solemnly pronounced something else Rel did not understand, though it must have been along the lines of honour and death and all the associated pomposity men proclaim when they are serious about killing each other.

Fires kindled around the duke’s fists, blue tongues that curled around his fingers like the brandy flame on a midwinter pudding.

Long black lava flows, wrinkled as a dracon’s skin and black as burned rubber, extended tongues from every flank of the mountains.

”THE LINE OF sleds drew away from Sea Drays Bay, heading around the back of the sea dray colony and into the hills behind, there they would loop back through wide valleys where the blue tongues of glaciers rested, and follow them north.

“When we brought your people to this Earth, you came from hundreds of worlds and had a thousand tongues.

Not many of them know the tongues of the west.