“TORMENTIL” на українській мові



Acid grassland generally consists of fine-leaved grasses such as common bents and fescues, with herbs such as sheep's sorrel, tormentil and heath bedstraw.

The grassland areas are grazed by a mixture of cattle and Jacob's sheep, and are sprinkled with wild flowers including devil's-bit scabious, oxeye daisy, bird's-foot-trefoil, harebell and tormentil .

As to the pain element of wounds, tormentil does a nice job here as well and for the same reasons.

Containing more tannin than oak bark, all parts of tormentil are strongly astringent, finding use wherever that action is required.

Grind up 8 grams of tormentil and mix it with 4 grams of santonica wormwood, 4 grams of aloe, 4 grams of rhubarb, 4 grams of ginger, and 4 grams of gentian.