“TOTALLY” на українській мові


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completely totally
in general on the whole altogether totally all in all by and large
certainly necessarily completely extreme totally
fully completely entirely totally all wholly



completely entirely wholly thoroughly fully utterly absolutely perfectly unreservedly unconditionally quite altogether downright in every way in every respect one hundred percent every inch to the hilt flat out to the max


correspond with agree with accord with concur with coincide with match fit be consistent with conform to equate with harmonize with be in tune with dovetail correlate with/to parallel square with jibe with


That was new, and it totally suited her, or the woman he visualized living under the shellacked exterior she projected.

(Okay, it’s totally not all, but you know how I feel about you by this point!

She could have totally rocked a handstand in the middle of Route 66.

Joy waved from the center of the swimming hole, naked, albeit underwater, but totally butt-ass naked.

Everything she did to get up here was totally worth hearing him play.

The car had been totally restored.

Shrane despised them, that they could submit themselves so totally to a mere man.

The night was totally still, not a breath of wind, and bitingly cold.

The air he’d been so desperate to breathe was now totally gone.

To witness the length of these living ropes reaching for the distant light, their flat, bladed leaves moving in the gentle ocean current was to appreciate them in a totally different way.

I’ll never be totally true, unflinchingly loyal, to another friend again.