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They were both down with the Brooklyn Borne click and had gotten knocked a couple of weeks earlier for kicking down the door of a state witness’s house and tying up the man and his whole family before pouring lighter fluid on them and setting the house on fire.
She still wore her robes, though she’d taken to tying back her hair in a tight braid.
He stepped over to the burros and worked about their packs, tying a rope here, fixing a twisted strap there, and pulled at the packs and saddles to see that they were tight for the trip.
), this is your novel, answering every question, tying up every thread to an oh-so-satisfying conclusion.
”Gwyn snickered, her attention fixed on tying a length of white silk ribbon to a wood beam jutting from the side of the pit.
Peel off your stinking leather by tying you to the tails of horses and letting the Indians ride them, and after that hang you, hang all of you?
He tried tying a rope around the neck of each burro and fastening it to the saddle of the burro ahead.
” She looped Emerie’s limp arms around her shoulders, then took Emerie’s nightgown and wrapped it around her wrists, tying them in place.
And Lisa tying a piece of rope around her neck with trembling hands.