“UNUSUAL” на українській мові


інші переклади

extraordinary extreme unusual exceptional uncommon excessive
extraordinary unusual unprecendented inexperienced novice all-time
rare extraordinary unusual
unusual extraordinary uncommon unique offbeat original
special particular specific peculiar unique unusual



uncommon abnormal atypical unexpected surprising unfamiliar different strange odd curious out of the ordinary extraordinary unorthodox unconventional outlandish singular special unique peculiar bizarre rare scarce few and far between thin on the ground exceptional isolated occasional infrequent weird offbeat out there freaky


It was unusual to see lone porters even for normal deliveries.

There’s been unusual activity in the wilderness, and we need a more informed opinion than our own.

It would be very unusual if they ignored us once they detected our presence.

ROSE: Petra had some talented friends in… unusual lines of work.

It was an unusual case.

His arms were thick, like that of a laborer, but he held himself with a confidence unusual for one on the wrong side of the bars of a jail cell.

He didn’t want any word or whisper of something unusual creeping up and down the river to Vespinarr or Hanjaadi.

That was one bit of behavior that wasn’t unusual.

It was early autumn and still comfortable in the forest, but at height, it wouldn’t be unusual to see a bit of snow.

Sam didn’t know a lot about the structure of buildings, but even he knew that was unusual.

A noble in the eastern territory without an escort was even more unusual than a party of narjags led by a shaman.