“VAGUELY” на українській мові


інші переклади

vaguely dimly obscurely ambiguously darkly thick
vaguely dimly



slightly a little a bit somewhat rather in a way faintly obscurely sort of kind of kinda


“I vaguely recall you boasting weeks ago that I would be the one to crawl into your bed.

Now and then she’d seen the woman underneath, who seemed to find her own privileged life vaguely disagreeable.

“Only vaguely now.

” She waved her hand around vaguely at the ocean.

That’s the reason why you think of it only vaguely.

Despite the extra set of arms, they looked vaguely humanoid, except their mouths were filled with giant teeth that protruded from fat lips.

He only vaguely remembered what it looked like now, but he recalled how the writing and the marks on Crazy’s leg and the tattoos on the back of the assassin who’d ripped out a piece of the alchemist’s throat up on the eyrie were all alike.

Sam just shook his head vaguely.

A broad-shouldered, stocky male whom Nesta vaguely recognized sauntered their way, flanked two deep by younger males.

Cassian gave himself a second to do so, vaguely aware of Vassa saying something.

He was wearing a mask and vaguely aware that the anesthesia would make him drop off any moment now.