“VANISHING” на українській мові


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disappearance vanishing occultation evanescence elopement
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disappear be lost to sight/view become invisible vanish into thin air recede from view dematerialize


He knocked on the iron door through which he couldn’t pass, and when Bellepheros opened it, he walked politely inside instead of vanishing and appearing somewhere else.

’ The killer bowed solemnly, gestured to the gondola in the middle of the dragon yard and, without another word, dissolved into nothing, vanishing into the air as he became the wind.

But to find one, she’d have to leave Emerie …Nesta glanced at the vanishing sun, then slipped out from under the pile of clothes.

The Arbiter moved to the aftermath, to Tsen vanishing away to Dhar Thosis and what Liang had done while he was gone – or perhaps more to the point, what she hadn’t done; the coming of the Vespinese and the failed hanging of Zafir, the Elemental Men; and finally her own confession, after it was all done, that she’d been present when Mai’Choiro Kwen had given Zafir her orders.

He had no time to react after he corrected his slide; the modalmen plunged right into the black circle, vanishing as surely as if they had passed through a wall of liquid ink.

Hadn’t looked back before vanishing into the throng.

But the next morning, she understood why—or at least he had a reason for his vanishing act.

It set her pulse hammering, careening so far off the path of sanity that she scrambled after its vanishing leash.

It was staring at the pillar of the Godspike going on and on and vanishing into the deep blue of the desert sky overhead.

That fast, the power in her receded, vanishing into smoke on the wind.

”She blinked up at him, the weight in her vanishing at the vicious words.