“AMONG” на німецькій мові


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under among below beneath amongst underneath
between among betwixt
at in with during by among



surrounded by in the company of amid in the middle of with amidst in the midst of


They didn’t seem to have much in common, except that they were healthy, and there was a good proportion of pretty girls and handsome boys among them.

She’d set this plague among his people.

He wishes to live among his own people and I wish to live among mine.

To do so would be considered as tactless as shooting at trucks bearing the Red Cross sign or at men waving a white flag among civilized nations at war.

And then it was gone, and nothing was left but an endless waste-land of night, and the Black Moon had eclipsed the sun for ever, and among the twinkle of midday stars one winked as a distant dragon passed overhead.

And find her standing among them, in nothing but a nightgown.

The ground around the end of the bridge was thick with bodies and tumbled stone, same as when Tuuran and Crazy had first come over, a litany of dead among makeshift impromptu barricades that had all counted for nothing when the dragon came crashing among them.

They had turned a blind eye to my wing-clipping while he was alive; why should they bother to believe the truth now that he was among the honored dead?

That led him to guess the girl the Sniffer hunted was among their number.

Glimmer weaponry they possessed too, though their gunners were in no formal groupings of their own, but scattered among the horde.

This convoy consisted of fifty federal soldiers, among them a first lieutenant as commander, a top sergeant, and three cabos or corporals.