“TAIL” на німецькій мові


інші переклади

tail cock prick dong trail
tail rear stern back
rod cane switch pole stick birch
tail trail
end finish ending close termination tail
behind backside rump hindquarters rear part tail
tip corner end point tail panhandle
frond fan whisk tail feather duster fly whisk
tail marker
shadow shade
coccyx tail behind
shade shadow tail overshadow



brush scut dock tail feathers hindquarters


follow shadow stalk trail track hunt hound dog pursue chase


These were long enough to allow the tail to be carried straight or curved, as the animal needed it to balance, but too short to allow it to be swung.

He’d never forget the first time he’d seen the dragon fly, the terrible speed and strength and power, the lash of the tail that cracked the unbreakable stone of his eyrie, the fire that burned the desert sand to glass.

He came at the fleeing Taiytakei from beneath, overhauling the sleds one by one, plucking away their riders and throwing them into the sky, shattering glass with a swing of his tail or simply sending men tumbling through the air with the wash of his wings.

Diamond Eye smashed it and then flung the tip of his armoured tail like a spear straight through the gondola’s silver skin, rattling everything.

The dragon watched and listened as the hatchling felt the killer come close and pried at his thoughts and peered into his intent, and at the moment the Elemental Man changed to flesh to strike with the bladeless knife that would cut through even a dragon’s scales, the hatchling Silence veered and arced and dipped a wing and lashed its tail.

Diamond Eye tucked in his wings, twitched his tail and dived, a sudden plunge straight past the eyrie and on at the waiting storm-dark, ever faster until she felt the wind tearing at every part of her.

Diamond Eye seized a soldier and crushed him, lashed his tail and smashed two sleds at once into pieces and their riders too.

”Sharp nails nipped at Filden’s freshly grown tail.

But no warriors were on her tail.

She willed the fractures away and changed its shape around her to something more stable as she scrabbled back to her feet – a pyramid – and barely in time before the dragon came at her again, this time with a crack of its whip-like tail which sent her spinning across the passage.

The tail ended in a spiked club, but in between the knobs of bone projected blade-like feathers.