“OUTSKIRTS” на Казахському мові


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outskirts edge brim



outlying districts edges fringes suburbs suburbia bedroom community commuter shed purlieus borders environs


The outskirts of Dhar Thosis seemed as deserted as the rest, but Tuuran knew better because he saw signs now and then: a flicker of movement that was too big to be a dog or a lizard; a body too recent to have died in the battle; one time he heard the sound of running feet.

From their perch, they could see the thin thread of road that cut along the outskirts of the barrowlands, hugging the mountain range as tightly as it could without traveling into the actual foothills.

“There are some who venture into the outskirts two or three days from Eastwatch, but it’s rare anyone other than a ranger journeys this deep, so no, we haven’t built bridges, and this won’t be the only stream we need to cross.

Sam had heard she was now working in a lab on the outskirts of South Knot City, in the center of the continent and to the west of Ground Zero.

But only Nesta stood at his side as he knocked on the door of the small blacksmith’s shop on the western outskirts of Velaris.

They originally thought it was MULEs, but when one of their facilities on the outskirts of the city was blown up, the series of events was quickly pinned on the separatists.

‘Look, it’s a warehouse on the outskirts of Slough at six in the morning.

Once he had rested in South Knot, Sam had been instructed to drop by the satellite lab on the outskirts where she had taken up residence.

Rew studied her glassy eyes and broad grin, wondering if he should stop her from drinking so much, but she was a woman near grown, and it wasn’t like there was much trouble she could find herself in stuck in a mining encampment on the outskirts of the kingdom.

The Monster walked down Livonia Avenue on the outskirts of Tilden Projects, where transactions occurred right under the well-lit porches and cats played Cee Low in the lobbies.

We’re on the outskirts of the realm, and we’ve little to offer the plotters and the backstabbers in Mordenhold.