“ATMOSPHERE” на польській мові


інші переклади

atmosphere ambience air climate tone
mood atmosphere ambience spirit frame of mind cheer
aura weather atmosphere climate
sphere realm area domain zone atmosphere



air aerospace sky heavens firmament blue azure ether


They made it down past Nostrand Avenue without any further problems, and by the time they got to Franklin Avenue they were in a good mood again and enjoying the atmosphere.

The altitude of the mountains and the low pressure of the atmosphere made work still harder than it would have been under better conditions.

The bar’s atmosphere made her uneasy.

The air felt strangely heavy, and the atmosphere appeared to have turned into gaseous lava.

So, think back to when life first emerged on this planet, when the atmosphere was full of methane and carbon.

It is the influence of the atmosphere of the continent.

They say it’s good for digestion and healthy skin, for the joints, healing wounds and purifying the atmosphere from undesirable spirits.

To this unpleasant atmosphere was added the thick smoke from a fire which burned in the middle of the patio all day long and until late into the night.

The salty atmosphere had stripped the paint off the inner gates and the bottom-most planks were rotted through.

The rush of breath down his throat pained him terribly, but after the first gulp of air he could not stop, and panted for the foul atmosphere of the pit, filling his lungs with it.

Tables and shelves were overturned and the atmosphere inside the shelter reached breaking point.