“BASIC” на польській мові


інші переклади

basic primary fundamental essential elementary basal
basic alkaline
essential fundamental basic vital underlying radical
fundamental basic



fundamental essential primary principal cardinal elementary elemental quintessential intrinsic central pivotal critical key focal vital necessary indispensable




Most of them, however, had their first readers upon their knees and were studying the basic elements of education.

The voice that robbed her of joy, of warmth, of anything but primal, basic fear.

At training, Cassian began to instruct her on basic footwork and body positioning in hand-to-hand combat.

Most of life’s basic functions fit rather easily into a twenty-one-minute time slot.

Even the bed had been stripped of decoration and transformed into a functional and basic medical bed.

Bridges had installed the basic system for the Chiral Network at each shelter in the name of protecting the preppers, and urged them to join the UCA when the time to rebuild finally came.

She’d already conversed with one stranger today, fulfilling her quota of basic decency.

Nesta had no idea what any of the impressive varieties were, beyond their basic names: sword, dagger, arrow, shield, spear, bow, brutal-looking round-spiky-ball-on-a-chain …On their other side smoldered fire pits, clouds of smoke drifting to a fenced-in array of livestock, sheep and pigs and goats, all shaggy but well fed.

By the time Nesta finished the last rotation, that absurd defiance of basic laws of movement and space, Eris had her hand again, spinning her three more times, his red hair glinting like fire as if in echo to the unchecked, dark joy bursting from her.

Or doing a basic squat—that it turned out was all wrong, her weight misplaced and back too arched.

He did ask to walk with her to class, and as they crossed campus they exchanged their basic stats—clubs, majors, year in college, where they were from, and what they planned to do with their degrees after graduation.