“PICKING” на польській мові


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picking gathering





harvest gather (in) collect pluck cull


The younger ranger then went back into the market, picking up a few additional items.

I scraped by for a bit, but before long, I was on the streets, picking at food behind the taverns, fighting the other urchins there.

”Rew shook his head, picking up his spoon and digging into his soup.

Thunder and lightning flashed between the eyrie and the glasships, three of them now, right overhead, picking off the black-powder guns and the watchtowers.

The Vespinese circled, picking off anyone who wasn’t wearing armour, and then began to land, coming down in groups and jumping quickly clear while Tsen’s soldiers charged into them as fast as they could, howling and shrieking and swinging their spiked ashgars, trying to batter the enemy down before they could establish a foothold.

Scolding Jon about not picking a weapon and learning it could wait.

It was astonishing how much of the art of warfare was like the social manipulation her mother had insisted she learn: picking battlegrounds, finding allies amongst the enemies of one’s enemies … Some of it was wholly new, of course, and such a precise way of thinking that she knew she’d have to read the manuscript many times to fully grasp its lessons.

At the New Year ceremony, I was, ah, picking pockets in the crowd.

“Your apartment is being packed as we speak,” Amren said, picking at a speck of lint on her silk blouse.

After picking at her food for weeks, she was suddenly enormously hungry.

I enjoyed your stories and picking your brains over laughter and wine.