“PICTURES” на польській мові


інші переклади

cinema movies pictures flicks movie house motion pictures
painted figure pictures children's painting book



visualize see in one's mind's eye conjure up a picture/image of imagine see evoke


photograph photo snap snapshot shot print slide transparency exposure still enlargement


Taking pictures of strangers was weird.

The stranger looked entirely different from their pictures of him, and as he had appeared so unexpectedly, neither the old man nor Dobbs could utter a sound.

They were in bed together in those pictures.

She picks a quarter, pictures Dylan’s face.

Howard Stuck’s autobiography is a thick book in a large font, with a lot of glossy pictures of the Stuck Six, from their baby photos to their posed contemporary portraits.

Do you know why the pictures of the Holy Virgin you see here in all churches show a knife stabbed into her breast?

No taking them every night to the goddamned pictures and bridge-parties where they lose your hard-earned money, goddamn it.

But the pictures show him with people, of course.

There are lots of memorial sites and mentions of her name, but I find only a few pictures of her online; in this day and age it’s quite an achievement to have been so camera-shy.

“A fine bunch they are; they have hanging around their necks medals and pictures of the saints and the Virgin to protect them from the devil.

She pictures him waiting to board his plane to London, hurriedly jotting the reminder because it wasn’t just the date that was important.