“SOMETIMES” на польській мові


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sometimes at times
sometimes from time to time now and again
sometimes many a time repeatedly



occasionally from time to time now and then every so often once in a while on occasion at times off and on at intervals periodically sporadically spasmodically intermittently


What has happened, sometimes what is, nothing more than that.

People wouldn’t be able to go on living if they didn’t shut their eyes to things sometimes, or sacrifice things sometimes.

She took Cassian to her bed every night and sometimes during the day, though they never slept in each other’s rooms.

Here on these shelves, well guarded by the clerk, were kept belongings not only of guests, but of patrons who had not had money to pay for their lodging more than one night, and who after that one night had slept on benches or in some nook near the docks or under trees on the river-banks, where no manager asked for payments, but where it sometimes happened that they were murdered for the thirty centavos in their possession.

Because it never stayed the same, sometimes it was a heaven, and sometimes it was a hell.

Thoroughness demanded it and sometimes one found the unexpected amid the simple and the mundane.

”“I forget how young you are, sometimes.

He’d already moved the lounge chairs that Amren—and sometimes Mor—liked to use for sunbathing while he and the others trained.

Normally, necrosis takes forty-eight hours, but sometimes it’s different.

‘No one would doubt you’re usually a clever and insightful man, Baros Tsen, but sometimes you’re an idiot.

But I now think it’s all to protect the sweet soul that I sometimes glimpse in him, and if you get caught up in his defence mechanism then he’d only think you an idiot.