“WRINKLES” на польській мові


інші переклади

folds creases tucks pleats rucks wrinkles



crease pucker gather crinkle crimp crumple rumple scrunch up


crease fold pucker line crinkle furrow ridge groove crow's feet laugh line


The belly was snake-smooth and pale rose, the scales there fine enough to allow deep wrinkles.

Covered in wrinkles and blemishes, the veins that protruded from beneath the skin only served to accentuate the boniness of her fingers.

”Cliff’s hands were covered in scars and wrinkles.

Deep wrinkles were carved into her limbs, too.

He had little wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, the first signs of age creeping up on him.

’ The Arbiter’s eyes glittered and little wrinkles formed at the corners.

The arms, shoulders, and waist were covered in wrinkles.

Where the water touched his skin, it left a trail of wrinkles and gray hair in its wake.

She didn’t see them but she felt the shape of their presence as though a cloud had pulled back from covering the sun, or maybe as if they’d been flying high with nothing but a sea of white beneath them, and the dragon had plunged and punched through and out the other side, and now there was the land and the sea with all its contours and wrinkles and familiar places.