“ARMY-ISSUE” на російській мові



A demonstration of the sternest intolerance to misappropriation of army-issue weapons in 2004 should have served as a deterrent to misguided or compromised soldiers.

Amid the heat and dust of the Sudan campaign over a century ago, British troops had to complete the gruelling march to Omdurman barefoot because the stitches of their army-issue boots burst and the soles fell off.

Wearing an army-issue hat and coat, Li Xing Bai tills a 480-square-yard plot using a wooden plow with a single rusted metal blade.

Last year Scotland on Sunday revealed more than half of all soldiers buy their own equipment because they do not trust army-issue kit.

An Israeli soldier, on duty on the West Bank, complained after being given army-issue underwear - made in Palestine.