“ATTEMPTING” на російській мові


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try attempt seek endeavor offer essay
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attempt take a shot try a shot



try strive aim venture endeavor seek undertake make an effort have a go at try one's hand at go all out bend over backwards bust a gut hazard essay assay


It is true, we… we were attempting to secure some funds from the inn, but restitution can be made.

“No, do not ask me what sorts of plots and maneuverings they’re attempting.

It’s only when a necromancer releases them that the wraiths become a problem for those who are not attempting to plunder their resting places.

But since his death nine years ago it has been my goal to make his talent as a director better known to the world, based on the footage he shot whilst attempting to tell the story of my life, and the lives of five others.

He reversed his grip on his hunting knife and stabbed it into the neck of another narjag that was attempting to sneak up on him.

He had sacrificed all by attempting to save everyone else.

Burning the body right here instead of attempting to make their way through a route infested with “them,” the BT monsters left behind from former corpses, was the safest option.

He continued left, attempting to avoid the swamp, but soon found himself losing his sense of direction.

They may have adopted the name of Bridges, but they were attempting to build Bridges toward the past.

There were as many soldiers lying on the ground as standing, and beyond the gates, even in the pouring rain, Rew could see the dark mass of more narjags attempting to force their way into the breach.

Even once I had enlisted the support and belief of our director, Sofie, and the backing of our distributor, Silverfish, I wondered what I was attempting to do.