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double boiler
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I think this kind of research is vital to understanding the food court as an imagined space of cosmopolitanism; as an encounter with the Other through bland, bain-marie fodder.
The alchemist experiences death, life, rebirth, witnesses the magical properties of transmutation in the bain-marie as well as her own bodymind.
Here I've got a pretty standard three-pot set-up, meaning I can have three colours at a time. Each pot, sitting in the water below, like a double boiler or bain-marie , contains up to 2kg of wax and 2 tablespoons of sterin.
Another week of Australian Idle has been dished up in the lukewarm bain-marie of the television industry's canteen of horrors.
Place the pots in a bain-marie (an oven dish with enough water in it to go half way up the pots) and bake in the oven for about 40 minutes, until the custards feel quite firm on top.