“BINGED” на російській мові




overindulge overeat gorge binge-drink pig out


Boys who binged on booze and smoked marijuana daily were three to four times more likely to be found suffering from depression a year later.

The source said a phone call from the his children's nanny to his brother raised concerns the musician is bingeing on drugs.

Spending these fun-filled eight weeks away from home and usually outside the city was like no other: from mango and plum bingeing to cray-fishing.

There were pictures of Pongal, flooded with cheerfully bubbling mud pots, and Christmas, represented by a range of Santa Clauses, all of whom looked like they'd been binging on ghee sweets through the year.

By the end of January, most of us are back on the fags, binging on biscuits, loafing on the sofa and still clocking on at the same coal face.