“BLACKDUCK” на російській мові



Mallards and black ducks also dive for pond snails and probably a range of aquatic insects like dragonfly nymphs.

The ponds also attract black ducks , canvasbacks, American wigeons, lesser and greater scaups, green- and blue-winged teal, cinnamon teal, and herons.

Under low and swiftly moving clouds, the choppy sound was slate gray, a good background for spotting waterfowl, but all we had were mallards and black ducks .

At the end of the morning, we stood on a bank at the nature sanctuary overlooking a glassy cove with a distant raft of big black ducks .

Some species of waterfowl in the Bay have declined significantly - especially redhead ducks, which have declined by 96 percent, and black ducks , which have declined by 67 percent.