“BUCKEYE” на російській мові


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buckeye horse-chestnut



horse chestnut conker


White ash, buckeye , shellbark hickory, honey locust, black cherry, and red and yellow oak claimed slightly better drained land, threaded by enormous tangles of grapevine and poison ivy.

It sickens nearly two dozen other hosts that range from California buckeye , bay laurel, and bigleaf maple to redwood, some rhododendrons, and even certain blueberry cultivars.

Most people's attitudes toward caterpillars are based on this sort of lowly image and range from distaste (for, say, large hornworms munching on tomatoes in the garden) to indifference (toward, say, buckeye larvae chomping on weeds).

Other less prominent tree types included various hickories, other ash species, white oak, black walnut, butternut, basswood, yellow buckeye , elm, black cherry, black gum, and tulip tree.

Since I was born in Ohio and always lived in this state, I am a native " buckeye ". Yes, I am avid fan of the Ohio State football team and like to watch their games on television.