“CAPITULAR” на російській мові



A second sample of 50 randomly chosen achenes of each capitular type was used to determine achene weight, achene dimensions and pappus length.

It is very probable that the origin of the capitular body may be found in the bishop's household, his familia, as it existed in patristic times.

The aragonite needles ranged from 1 to 4 m in length and were bundled in apparently random arrangements in a 10-m-thick zone between the outer walls of the capitular , medular, and cortical filaments.

Cathedrals which were not monastic foundations, and collegiate churches, were served by secular clergy, the canons or prebendaries, who constituted the capitular body or chapter.

The medullar filaments terminate as a bundle of 1-4 - cm capitular filamerits above the thallus, thereby forming the brushy cap from which Penicillus derives its name.