“CARVINGS” на російській мові


інші переклади

thread carving imagery toreutics screw-thread
резьба по дереву
резная работа
carving chasing
carving excision engraving ablation



sculpture model statue statuette figure figurine


Though the seamlessness of the masonry concealed its artificial origins, in many places the eroded details of nooks, carvings and windows could be made out.

Far beyond the kindness anyone had ever shown Nesta in the human realm, when her father had been trying to sell his wood carvings for a few pitiful coppers.

It was of black wood, its carvings worn smooth with use.

Dazzling light shone from every part of the arena, whiting out the details of the ancient carvings.

She’d learned to live with the silence that had started the moment her father had died, the silence that had begun crushing her when she’d gone to his study at their half-wrecked manor days later and found one of his pathetic little wood carvings.

The dragon carvings had smeared a little in the heat of Diamond Eye’s fire and no one had repaired them but the visor at least was new.

’ Red Lin Feyn ran her fingers over the carvings and smiled.

”Nesta studied the carvings in the floor.

The pillars looked a lot like some sort of gateway, while the carvings covering them looked a lot like the sigils he’d seen on the pillar that the Watcher had shown him, back when the Watcher had taken him to Vespinarr and put him on the riverboat to find his way back to Crazy Mad.

Traces of carvings and peg holes in the cracked masonry for fittings spoke of a richer past.