“COLUMBIUM” на російській мові



Most alloying elements, such as chromium, columbium , copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, tantalum, and vanadium stabilize the phase to the extent that a mixed - phase or an entirely phase alloy can persist down to room temperature.

Coltan is a contraction of columbium and tantalum; it's found in 3 billion year old mud and without it much of our modern technology could not be made.

To eliminate the intergranular corrosion, it is necessary either to reduce carbon to very low levels, or to add titanium and columbium to tie up the carbon and nitrogen.

In steel alloyed with molybdenum, manganese and columbium , which is use for these pipe-lines, molybdenum raises both strength and toughness.

The gas tungsten arc welding process is used for the pure columbium and for the lower strength commercial alloys.