“COURTESY” на російській мові


інші переклади

courtesy politeness civility comity urbanity decency
courtesy politeness urbanity affability delicacy suavity
courtesy complaisance suavity
etiquette decorum courtesy form
правила вежливости



politeness courteousness good manners civility respect respectfulness chivalry gallantry graciousness consideration thought thoughtfulness cordiality urbanity courtliness


Six of them, in love with each other at the same time, once upon a time, but now the magic is over and their story is about to be turned into a thing of cinematic beauty, courtesy of Max Black.

I look around the room – an old habit, unnecessary, since Max has a team of three with him tonight courtesy of Starguard – and see a man standing in the alcove behind the bar behind a red curtain, half-closed.

Harafan and Guis did not merit this courtesy.

Slave stories were all the same: slavers showed up and you were too weak to stop them and too stupid or too slow to run away, that’s what they all came down to in the end, but Tuuran listened to theirs too because that was the courtesy every slave gave to every other, no matter what tale they spun.

“Your father treated us kindly, and he respected our ways, but politeness was a courtesy he did not afford us.

A pinprick of it, courtesy of Truth-Teller, had done the job, and Cassian had found himself tensing at the sight of that little bead of red.

No matter that Feyre already had a shield around herself courtesy of Rhys—it had been there at breakfast, too.