“DEAL WITH” на російській мові


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deal with


‘With the dragons and the rider-slave and Shonda and his enchanters to deal with?

He didn’t have to deal with his dad’s crappy car because he’d just met Joy.

It is me you will deal with.

He did not even remind them that they had closed a deal with him to stay for another week at least so as to assist him in trying out his ideas.

He finds her in time, punches the killer in the face, and seals the whole deal with a long, loving kiss.

Cassian had convinced Rhys not to engage with them, at least until they could deal with Briallyn.

Employees who deal with delivery preparation.

Certainly, the winner does not want to ascend the throne and immediately have to deal with a war against the Dark Kind.

It is a deal with its downsides, but that does not make it a worse deal than what you had,” he said reasonably.

“Duke Eeron will believe that Worgon is plotting against him, and he’ll deal with the man for us.

’ Because it was quite enough to have to deal with a dragon once, even a little one, without having to deal with it all over again a few hours later.