“DISCARDED” на російській мові


інші переклади

ejected discarded rejected
ejected discarded rejected



cast-off throwaway


dispose of throw away/out get rid of toss out jettison scrap dispense with cast aside/off throw on the scrapheap reject repudiate abandon drop have done with shed chuck dump ditch junk trash deep-six


Shkarauthir discarded his shield, and cast down the stump of his spear.

As he discarded all the layers of packaging, a look of sheer joy washed over his face.

Across the hushed, cavernous space, it was easy to hear Gwyn’s soft singing as she flitted from table to table, looking at the piles of discarded books.

Their weapons lay nearby, discarded and ignored by the creatures of the bog, who had been more interested in feeding on decaying flesh, even long-rotted.

The back seat was piled high with discarded bottles and wrappers, and the large boot was crammed with electronic devices and more traditional methods of applying brute force.

It was good to touch discarded skin and feel nothing upon it; it bore a purity that could have come only from a life that had yet to be touched by love.

The flashes of that discarded cloak or the Cauldron’s chill waters or Cassian crawling toward her or her father’s neck snapping—Feyre said carefully, “For what it’s worth, I was hoping you’d turn yourself around.

Then, one day, she found a rotten, enormous cross discarded at the water’s edge.

A few skulls lay about like discarded fruit stones.

Amelie woke up, removed his mask, and simply discarded it onto the sand.

The skins discarded or taken by force; the sweat and the smell of bad people doing bad things; the empty shining of the studio lights on Max, making him seem a little bigger, a little flatter, like nothing more than a white smile that had nothing to do with me.