“ESCAPED” на російській мові


інші переклади

fluent runaway cursory fugitive escaped passing



loose on the loose at large


run away/off get out break out break free make a break for it bolt flee take flight make off take off abscond take to one's heels make one's getaway make a run for it disappear vanish slip away sneak away cut and run skedaddle vamoose fly the coop take French leave go on the lam


Then again he hadn’t been thinking right since that night when he’d seen a dragon and something had happened to the slavers’ pole he’d been tied to and he’d escaped.

They have escaped along the coast.

They were the human sweepings of the cities, left on the dumps of civilization, possibly escaped convicts, outlaws, fugitives from justice.

Not a single Spaniard survived or escaped.

Jon opened his mouth again, but this time only a trickle of blood escaped his lips.

” He slid into the booth and a light gasp escaped her lungs.

The big man had called him that since the day Berren had first told him the story of how the warlocks had stolen his life, how they’d sucked him out of his body and trapped him in another one, and how he’d escaped and gone looking for the man who wore his face.

Or rather, the baby escaped to her arms of its own volition.

How many they killed, the beasts they escaped.

Hordes of bandits, footpads, deserters from the army and from ships, escaped convicts, were practically everywhere.

Perhaps some had escaped?