“FOREHEAD” на російській мові


інші переклади

forehead brow metope
передняя часть
nose head forepart forehead
audacity insolence boldness impudence impertinence forehead



brow temple


He bashed the second narjag with the hilt of his blade, the heavy, steel pommel crunching bone as it crashed against the small monster’s forehead.

” Deadman wiped away the sweat on his forehead and looked into the pod.

Head turned down, he shoveled the hair off his forehead and his lips curved into a closed smile.

Sam looked up to see a forehead lined with large horizontal scars.

On your shoulders, not between your—”Dylan cuts him off, knocks his own forehead.

He rolled his forehead against the doorjamb and stood there, holding the door open, wearing nothing but sleep shorts and a wild mess of morning hair.

He leans his forehead against hers.

He wiped aside wet hair plastered to her forehead and stroked her cheek.

He grasped the haft of this machete, but before he could pull it out of its sheath, the stone one of the thieves had taken up crashed against his forehead.

Joy smacked her forehead.

He raked his hair off his forehead and watched her with a hint of a smile.