“FRUITERER” на російській мові


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The fruiterer walked off with his money, and the guards gave the butter merchant fifty blows of a courbash on the soles of his feet.

On his death certificate his occupation is given as fruiterer .

After the decimation of rural areas in the 13 th Century through the Plague and War of the Roses, fruiterer Richard Harris set up the first large-scale orchards on the instructions of Henry VIII.

The gardener knew the fruiterer very well, for it was to him that he sold, on the proprietor's account, the surplus of the fruit which was grown in the gardens of the estate.

And, clad like a poor woman, she went to the fruiterer , to the grocer, to the butcher, a basket on her arm, haggling, insulted, fighting for every wretched halfpenny of her money.