“GENERALLY” на російській мові


інші переклади

в целом
generally on the whole altogether in total in its entirety all in all
in general generally at all any always as a general rule
usually generally commonly ordinarily mostly as a rule
как правило
as a rule generally as a general rule
в общем
in general generally in all on the whole all in all altogether
в большинстве случаев
большей частью
for the most part mainly generally in the main
в общем смысле



normally in general as a rule by and large more often than not almost always mainly mostly for the most part predominantly on the whole usually habitually customarily typically ordinarily commonly


Seeing her claw her way onto the landing, panting, hair curling with the sweat sliding down her face—completely worth his generally shit day.

They set to work, she and Belli with the Scales, counting the eggs and the hatchlings and telling the other slaves what to do and generally trying to restore the hatchery to some sort of order before anything actually hatched.

Letting the hatchlings rampage was all very well and they’d done a fine job of shredding the last Taiytakei soldiers who’d wanted to fight, but it seemed more like luck than anything that they hadn’t slaughtered absolutely everybody; and now that her Holiness was done burning everything that moved and Crazy was done disintegrating everything that didn’t, the eyrie needed slaves to make it work, to cook and fetch and carry and shovel shit and build things and wash things and herd things and all sorts, and generally those slaves needed to be alive.

He’d been anticipating this talk since he’d spent four months with the Illyrians, soothing the jagged edges amongst the war-bands, making sure the families who’d lost fathers and sons and brothers and husbands were taken care of, that they knew he was there to help and to listen, and generally making it very fucking clear that if they rose up against Rhys, there would be hell to pay.

He’d spent a good deal of his youth in Cashax, roaring around the desert on the back of a sled, wadi racing and generally making an arse of himself.

She’d taken off her boots and gone through a few stances with Cassian, focusing on clenching her toes, finding her balance, and generally looking like a fool.

The night-skins he found now and then generally threw lightning at him, but there were a few who remembered him from back when he’d been the alchemist’s bodyguard, who did at least say hello before they tried to kill him.