“HANDBELL” на російській мові


інші переклади

bell bluebell campanula handbell bellflower harebell


The 330 residents of Botton Village community on the North York Moors, near Danby, a centre for adults with special needs, rang a 100-note peal on their set of four octave handbells .

Classes for youth eight years and up include fiddle, band, handbells , drumdancing, guitar, choir, songs and games.

Unlike an orchestra in which each instrument has a complete range of notes within itself, a set of handbells is like the separated notes of a piano being shared between several people.

Blending the exquisite sounds of the musical saw, English handbells , and pitched cowbells, this is a one-of-a-kind CD that I hope you will want to own as well as to share with friends and relatives.

Now the music director said that handbells were too difficult for the members to handle.