“HUNDREDS” на російській мові


інші переклади

district county region parish circuit circle



100 c century


After that, the ground became rugged, not just scattered bits of rock but boulders jutting out of the earth and patches of raw stone that they had to scamper across, leaning against the slope so they didn’t slide hundreds of paces back down.

CHAPTER FORTY-FIVEThe Darkling RemembersUNDER A CEILING of stone hundreds toiled.

He came to a skidding stop before the looming walls, wiped a hand over his face to brush his wet hair back, and yelled up to the guards on the wall, “Dark Kind, hundreds of narjags.

They know that even hundreds of thousands of Dark Kind are not enough to unseat mankind as the rulers of this world, so why did they lead the armies?

The pillar had come out of the Konsidar hundreds of years ago.

Walking hundreds of kilometers in silence had broken a lot of their colleagues.

The narjags are terribly afraid of them, and a single valaan can control a hundreds of the lesser Dark Kind.

It was not her first time in the forest, and she’d crossed hundreds of streams looking for supplies for her inn and her healing.

Through the day it flew along the coast for hundreds of miles.

Rel’s group headed directly for the central ring and an unlit bonfire of wood that must have been dragged hundreds of miles.

So many things here in Cyprus had been transported, hundreds of miles, to make this recognisable, to ground the troops in familiarity.