“INDICATED” на російській мові


інші переклади

indicator indicated
nominal rated par titular formal indicated



advisable recommended suggested desirable preferable best sensible wise prudent in someone's best interests necessary needed required called for


point to be a sign of be evidence of evidence demonstrate show testify to bespeak be a symptom of be symptomatic of denote connote mark signal signify suggest imply manifest reveal betray display reflect represent evince betoken


He seemed to think that the reason Sam was so confused was because he didn’t know what to do with Mama, and indicated toward a stretcher next to his lounge chair.

” He indicated the younger monk who was now lost in prayer, eyes closed and lips whispering.

” Her tone indicated that she wasn’t speaking to Sam, but to Mama.

A light vibration indicated that Sam had reached his destination.

He shoved a sheet at Filden and indicated he use the ink pot and pen set on his desk.

Sam’s anger must have been showing on his face, because Heartman wiggled his index finger at him to placate him and indicated toward the container.

The only class distinction here was indicated by the answer to the question: “Can you pay for your cot or can’t you?

He stood smartly and indicated a chair with his hand.

The swell of breasts and a wideness across the hips indicated it was female.

Their presence indicated that the past was about to strand itself.

He indicated Rhys’s mother’s house.