“INTERCOLUMNIATION.” на російській мові



The gigantic temples of antiquity could never have been constructed had the architects adhered to the notion that the distance of two diameters and a half, called the eustyle, for the intercolumniation was essential, for architraves could not have been procured.

He saw the distance between the columns as an integral part of each order, with for instance two and a quarter column diameters serving as the intercolumniation for the Ionic order, and two for the Corinthian.

There are no intercolumnar bracket sets, and the hall has no ceiling: its roof frame is entirely exposed.

Hawksmoor's intercolumniation is 18 feet, a formidable span for a stone entablature.

An orator chooses images based on points of an argument or facts of a case that need to be remembered and relies on a stock set of architectural spaces, like a house or intercolumnar space, to serve as backgrounds.