“MIRACLE” на російській мові


інші переклади

miracle wonder marvel prodigy wonderwork portent
удивительная вещь
miracle miracle play
выдающееся событие
miracle great occasion



wonder marvel sensation phenomenon supernatural phenomenon mystery


She’d had a door at least, which was more than most slaves ever had, and by some miracle no one had kicked it in.

Sam connected the pod to the incubator, praying for a miracle.

If this man was the sole survivor of the second expedition, then maybe a miracle could still happen.

Few people would believe the miracle that Anne was working.

The photo of them at the top of the article shows them in the midst of that miracle of timing, all holding hands and smiling with rare radiance.

A small miracle.

‘My late miracle.

This male who had faced down enemy armies, who had battled to the brink of death more times than she cared to count, who had fought so many dangers it was a miracle he lived … he was nervous.

A miracle tree.

’“‘All right,’ Stud continued, ‘this establishes the fact that the Spaniards who were near the mine could not have evaporated by some miracle.

The president didn’t even officially announce that she had a daughter, but, after around twenty years—thanks mainly to the president’s efforts—a miracle happened and she began to show progress.