“POPULATED” на російській мові


інші переклади

populated inhabited peopled



inhabit occupy people live in reside in


The nearer she came to more populated regions of the country, the less safe became the roads.

He knew these mountains well enough from flying over them for centuries: shepherds lived here, usually ordinary faeries who preferred the solitude of the towering green and brownish-black stones to more populated areas.

They were small, or backward, sparsely populated or all three.

They could take him out for years, following the signs of deer and the feral hogs that populated the shallow forest near Eastwatch, but they’d never know if the young ranger could survive the deep forest or face the Dark Kind until he did.

One night they came to a small town, and, not finding any other lodging, they were taken in by a father who was the priest in that town populated mainly by American-Mexicans.

He didn’t know if he should attack the spellcaster who’d just murdered scores of soldiers and then had tried to kill him, or the necromancer who just called upon the power of a barrow wraith in the middle of a populated town.

It is taken as an evidence that the village, be it ever so small or ever so poor and populated by Indians only, is a recognized part of the republic and under an organized local government.