“PRISTINE” на російській мові


інші переклади

clean pure net clear unadulterated pristine
ancient pristine antique early venerable crusted
intact untouched pristine virgin untapped unaffected
initial original primary pristine primordial primal
unspoilt unspoiled pristine incorrupt sweet sound



immaculate perfect in mint condition as new unspoiled spotless flawless impeccable clean fresh new virgin pure unused


They’d already been changed since she’d slept earlier—she knew because she’d left a great, muddy imprint on the bed when she’d arisen, and now it was pristine.

Emerie peered at what he placed onto her pristine counter.

When I flip it open I find only pristine pages; it’s brand new.

Never chipped, never scratched, smooth and pristine as if freshly polished, everywhere except for the scar in the eyrie wall where Diamond Eye had lashed it with his tail on the first day she’d flown him.

Perhaps he was enraged that the pristine spire had been broken, or scared this holy ground was about to be defiled.

Plush blue rugs broke up the pristine floors, a long runner flowing along the cavernous halls on either side, and one ran beneath the arch of the stairs, straight to a wall of windows on its other side, which looked out onto the sloping lawn and gleaming river at its feet.

There were three bedrooms above the shop, all pristine and simple, and Nesta changed into the nightgown Emerie offered without a second thought.

They were clearly ancient but at the same time pristine and shiny.

Empty white stone halls inside the mountain where no one ever went because there was nothing there except pristine colonnades and arches carved into walls that led nowhere.

The teal Plymouth with the pristine whitewall tires plunged down the mountainside and Joy’s short life flashed before her eyes.