Close finishes were a feature of the second of the Kendal Winter League series of races at a wind and rainswept Firbank, near Sedbergh, on Sunday.
Some landscapes seem designed for the NHH treatment, such as the dizzying view of Mizen Head, a rainswept Brittas Bay, and Farm on the Healy Pass.
These small rainswept isles off the western end of the vast Eurasian landmass have contributed far more to the well-being of the rest of humanity than any other country, bar none.
Pocklington were without half a dozen key players due to injury and unavailability and they left a dry and sunny Pocklington to find Ilkley rainswept and waterlogged.
From the time she was a young woman, Carr had been determined to find her own way of portraying the densely forested, mountainous west coast of Canada with its rainswept climate.