“RANDOM” на російській мові


інші переклади

random casual accidental chance occasional incidental
arbitrary random voluntary wanton
messy disorderly random erratic indiscriminate irregular
выбранный наугад
сделанный наугад
random wild
uncertainty ambiguity indeterminacy vagueness suspense random



unsystematic unmethodical arbitrary unplanned undirected casual indiscriminate nonspecific haphazard stray erratic chance accidental


I buy it in town for the train journey down to Bristol, and I open it at random.

’ Then the last name seems to stick, and she doesn’t even bother to say no; she simply walks away from me, taking a random path across the grass and around the back of the church, stepping around the gravestones.

On the Twin fires danced at random.

My instincts, long unused and struggling to surface, tell me that he really believes in this random bag story.

”Nesta read a line at random on the fifth page.

Maybe they didn’t realize how far off they were, and maybe they are appearing in random locations to try and figure it out.

It wove between the open mouths of half a dozen mine shafts, sunk into the sides of the mountain at odd intervals and random seeming locations.

No longer were his brother’s killers just some random inmates in a depraved criminal justice system.

Their camp was chaos, a collection of boxes and sleds scattered at random around a single tent.

“To prevent desertions the Spaniards went to villages to which the deserters belonged, and here, as a warning, they caught at random a dozen women, children, and old men and hanged them as punishment for the desertion of men they could not capture.

Fucking usually happened at lunch or random times, against a wall or bent over a desk or straddling his lap, impaling herself on him again and again.