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искусственный шелк |
synthetic silk
synthetical silk
acetate silk
вискоза |
With a few notable exceptions such as rayon , most synthetic fibers come from petrochemicals.
The rayon and cellulose for tampons and sanitary napkins produced at this mill are made with elemental chlorine.
At the high-quality end of the industry, flock manufacturers cut flock from long cables of parallel monofilaments of nylon, rayon , or polyester.
Keep in mind that the fabric must be all natural fiber, that is, cotton, silk, linen, or rayon , in order to take the dye.
In the 1930s, when deflation and dictatorship circumscribed the strategies of light industry, employers in wool, cotton, and rayon reverted to a familiar form of company paternalism with the help of sisters on the payroll.