“REDS” на російській мові


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The sun gilded his dark hair and shone through his wings, bringing out the undertones of reds and golds in both.

They drifted above more sigils etched among the trees, mostly the reds of acers but now and then the black leaves of some tree Liang didn’t know, and once there were lines of scars and pale bare rock.

In the evening he landed the gondola on the top of a lonely mesa far away from anywhere and the two of them watched the sunset together, glorious fiery reds in the sky while the sand turned to liquid gold and he felt Kalaiya’s warmth beside him, leaning into him.

Pictures hung on the walls, odd paintings in a style he didn’t recognise: they weren’t of people or even of places but streaks and splatches of dull slate and tan and deep greens and reds all run together.

Black flags predominated on the far side instead of the reds and blues of the nearer.

The rooftops nearby were a colourful patchwork of clay tiles, reds and browns and ochres and—He started.

Didn’t note the vibrant oranges and reds and yellows of the autumn trees or the sparkling blue of the Sidra as she crossed one of the countless bridges spanning its winding body, aiming for its western bank.

“Romances,” Emerie said, adjusting her own hair, the thick black braid full of reds and browns in the sunlight.

The second line was of Morfaan dressed in ornate armour of differing metallic shades—blues on one side, reds on the other.