“SEEMINGLY” на російській мові


інші переклади

на вид
seemingly outwardly
судя по виду
apparently evidently all appearance all appearances seemingly clearly



apparently on the face of it to all appearances as far as one can see/tell on the surface to all intents and purposes outwardly superficially supposedly


For a while he looked at these vague sketches, seemingly weighing one against the other.

Even the seemingly chaotic jungle was formed of a kind of order that dictated the directions the trees grew in and the density of the underbrush.

Sam cradled the pod with both arms when the BB flipped itself around, seemingly in response to something.

Two separate parties of narjags passing through the wilderness seemingly headed in the same direction.

Inside were rows of what appeared to be crude plaster statues, fine in proportion but seemingly unfinished, each tagged with a numbered orange card.

“We all do,” a soldier crawled his way forward on his elbows on knees, seemingly too malnourished to get up.

The captain is still standing, seemingly absolutely uninterested in anything.

He glanced around at his partners, squatting on the ground and smoking cigarettes rolled in common paper, seemingly not worrying about anything.

He turned to the native, who stood near by, seemingly without the slightest interest in what his companions were doing or saying.

The flags were of all nations, many fragmentary, selected seemingly for their colours’ prettiness rather than any meaning they might carry.