“SOLEMNLY” на російській мові


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The modalmen hooted and trilled their tongues while the elders solemnly pronounced something else Rel did not understand, though it must have been along the lines of honour and death and all the associated pomposity men proclaim when they are serious about killing each other.

”Vand nodded solemnly.

”“And stay out of the water,” Azriel added solemnly.

”The three thieves on hearing this official statement knew why it was spoken so solemnly and what it meant when voiced on such an occasion.

”Azriel studied his face, then nodded solemnly.

The Elemental Men filed solemnly after her, walking for once instead of shifting into air.

Her dark blond hair swayed as she stepped forward solemnly.

’Lin Feyn nodded solemnly.

Nesta bent down, picked up the fallen half of the ribbon, and solemnly tied it around Gwyn’s brow.

He stepped down from his elevated perch, and solemnly cast a glass bead into the urn for against.